Abyss 1266 Phi TC FilterSet

(4 customer reviews)

US $ 225.00

The Abyss 1266 Phi TC FIR filterset pack contains three separate high-resolution FIR eq filtersets:

FilterSet 1 = neutral
FilterSet 2 = neutral plus bass extension – retains the original bass lift of the measured response.
FilterSet 3 = neutral plus bass and treble extension

Each filterset contains filters with sample rates from 44.1 kHz to 352.8 kHz and is packaged as a .zip file that can be used in most convolvers, like Hang Loose Convolver or Roon for example. Mono 352.8 kHz mono filters are also included for HQPlayer.

FilterSet Free Trial Offer: Download the Hang Loose Convolver 14-Day Free Trial software. Specify the Abyss 1266 Phi TC FIR FilterSet in the Order Notes at checkout. Headphone FilterSet License Agreement

Full Product Description

Frequency Response Measurement & Correction

The Phi TC can sound a bit muddy in the lower midrange between 300 and 400 Hz. The broad midrange rise in frequency response, peaking to +4 dB at 1.1 kHz gives the headphone a nasally tonal quality pushing vocals too far forward in the mix. The -2 dB dip at 2 kHz, which is in the ears most sensitive range takes away the natural edge on vocals and instruments.

Engaging the high-resolution FIR filter optimizes the Phi TC’s to sound perfect with a rule flat +- 0.5 dB frequency response. The lower midrange resonance is gone and vocals and instruments in the critical midrange now sound natural. The imaging is also improved especially the depth of field where the vocals and lead instruments now sound balanced in the overall mix.

Additional Info

Audiophile Style article including listening impressions and detailed measurements: “Taking The Abyss AB1266 Φ TC Headphones To Another Level

4 reviews for Abyss 1266 Phi TC FilterSet

  1. Piers Coleman

    Better than any tube or expensive cable upgrade

  2. Harris Moreida (verified owner)

    The change is not subtle. I have noticed a number of recordings in my archive which are a bit “hot” thru the high mids. Working thru my reference tracks, there is no doubt that these filters enhance, bringing me, the listener, closer to the music. Less grit and distortion, 1266 can play louder and cleaner. Win, Win.
    I will continue to experiment, but just wanted to provide a bit of feedback. Instructions were perfect, simple and short. Took 5 minutes to get it up and running.
    My chain: NAS > Sonic Tranport I9 Optical (Roon) > Optical Rendu > Cardas Dual USB > Hugo M Scaler > Dual BNC > Hugo TT2 > Cardas Clear Balanced > Woo WA33 [KR 2A3, USAF Rectifier, 417A] > 1266
    What’s interesting is I have never heard the stock cable sound this clean. For the price of the filters I saved nearly 1800 on the Superconductor HP cable I have been lusting. Great work Mitch
    Good deal

  3. Anonymous

    Amazing filters, very subtle at first and then you cannot stop listening without them in Roon. They have a long lasting effect on how you perceive the sound of the Abyss 1266 Phi TC, for good. Also there are three options, my favourite ones are the ones with the bass extension. Brilliant work!

  4. Oguz P

    Enjoying my TC even more with these great filters!

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